Hi everybody sorry I just got so excited to be able to vent that i just jumped right on in replying and blabbing that I forgot to say HEY! Thanks for this site and all of you.
Shanna Korin
JoinedPosts by Shanna Korin
Newbe saying hello
by Shanna Korin inhi everybody sorry i just got so excited to be able to vent that i just jumped right on in replying and blabbing that i forgot to say hey!
thanks for this site and all of you.
What are you now ?
by moomanchu incurious as to what exwitnesses have become or believe.
i haven't joined any religous group and do not attend any services.
(have visited a church's service)
Shanna Korin
I'm honestly just down right confused! Truefully speaking I was very close to letting guilt and "The End" push me right back to the Hall. I still pray and when I'm scared I still @ 35 spell out J-E-H-O-V-A-H to chase away my fears. How ingrained is that? So I gather for all my short comings I still believe in a god. At least most times. lol As for other organized churches I have tried a slew of them Methodist Contemporary was the best but I kept finding myself throwing walls up because of earlier teachings from the JWs. I am glad I found this site because it was just the edge I needed to keep me away from one more seneless study/meeting/ endless bullshit line. So I take it day by day I have bigger things to occupy my time then trying to figure out where to go to praise god. i'm complex enough because of religion.
Shanna Korin
Haven't missed one book or one movie! LOVE IT My grandmother a JW and maybe not such a good one now that I look back lol peaked my interest about anything magical or sci-fi/fantasy related at the age of 7.
Non-Witness in Love with Lesbian Witness
by Siraphina ini'm hoping someone here can help, advise or councel me regarding my dilemma because i'm desperate and dying inside.
here is my story: i'm an out, non-witness lesbian in love with an active jw lesbian.
she's very much in love with me as well but her guilt as a result of her religion is emotionally devistating her.
Shanna Korin
First let me say hi! I wish so much I had a good answer but all I have is heart felt sympathy as I am so far in (closet) it's not even funny. My guilt has kept me in a life that is so empty in so many ways. Thank You JW's ! I may not have the answers but I'll listen and give you any input you'd like.Hopefully your girlfriend will be a stronger person then me. Good Luck and keep on loving her.
New, lost & opinionated
by Shanna Korin infirst let me say i'm new to this forum, second wow!
as it is i have spent at least an hour and a 1/2 just reading different topics and wow!
i never in my life imagined for one minute that it would be so hard to leave the organization.
Shanna Korin
First let me say I'm new to this forum, second WOW! As it is I have spent at least an hour and a 1/2 just reading different topics and WOW! I never in my life imagined for one minute that it would be so hard to leave the organization. I just decided and did. No major issues or protests from family. Shakes of heads yes, but definately not the "you must go underground to leave" type of thing. The whole DF thing never happened because I wasn't baptized and I wasn't disassociated either hmmm. who knows why not? As far as molestation ..touchy any way you look at it. I don't think sexual deviants come in religions at least my molesters didn't...they were just scum. Sex...lol....in my opinion again although we were taught sex before marriage BAD it didn't damper it for me when it was LEGAL so to speak.I was never taught sex was bad just that it was special and something that Jehovah intended for a couple in love. As non-chalant as I may sound my heart truely goes out to those who are living with such fear, unease and hurt. the one and only thing I can honestly say has caused me much grief is my sexuality and my denial of it...God knows it's not the JW or Christian way or in truth majority speaking the socially excepted way. So I just do what is expected and live a natural life.